

美国的Christmas. 他们从九月初就开始卖Christmas的商品了。不同的文化和消费方式很有趣。

Winter storm has dumped heavy snow on the mountains. I like to watch snow falling soundlessly. This place is full of nature.

We chose and cut Christmas tree.and beautifully decorated with colored lights, tinsel, angels, stars and bright ornaments.


Compare to Black Friday and Christmas presents sales, Black Friday sales are closely followed by Super Saturday, which names the Saturday occurring before Christmas Eve.
But the online revenues seem different.
This is the graph of Comparison of U.S. online sales revenue on Thanksgiving and Black Friday from 2008 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)

Speaking about the food, it is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a lot of other festive foods as we did in thanksgiving. I baked some pies for a Christmas party.

This year, Christmas will become a special time to think about differences between Japanese and American culture, joy, and weight gain :)
Merry Christmas!!





アメリカの高校生が卒業に必要なシビックステスト;Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test

1.What is the economic system in the United States?*

Ans.▪ capitalist economy ▪ market economy

The economic system of the United States is capitalism. In the American economy, most businesses are privately owned. Competition and profit motivate businesses. Businesses and consumers interact in the marketplace, where prices can be negotiated.Then, how about other countries? First, Germany is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. Capitalism in Germany is found in its institutions such as banking and educational systems. Second, India is beginning to realize its potential economically as it encourages capitalism throughout the country.The Indian government realizes the potential of capitalistic growth as it struggles to overcome an outdated caste system.


2. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

▪ the Vice President


3. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

▪ the Speaker of the House

Most of the people would be able to answer the previous question, I assume this one is harder.

4. What are the two major political parties in the United States?*

▪ Democratic and Republican

The Constitution did not establish political parties. President George Washington specifically warned against them. But early in U.S. history, two political groups developed. They were the DemocraticRepublicans and the Federalists. Today, the two major political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. 

5.What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?*

▪ serve on a jury ▪ vote in a federal election

Two responsibilities of U.S. citizens are to serve on a jury and vote in federal elections. The Constitution gives citizens the right to a trial by a jury. The jury is made up of U.S. citizens. Participation of citizens on a jury helps ensure a fair trial. Another important responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is a very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens’ interests.

6. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

▪ give up loyalty to other countries ▪ defend the Constitution and laws of the United States ▪ obey the laws of the United States ▪ serve in the U.S. military (if needed) ▪ serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed) ▪ be loyal to the United States 

When the United States became an independent country, the Constitution gave Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. Congress made rules about how immigrants could become citizens. Many of these requirements are still valid today, such as the requirements to live in the United States for a specific period of time, to be of good moral character, and to understand and support the principles of the Constitution. 

7. What is one reason colonists came to America?

▪ freedom ▪ political liberty ▪ religious freedom ▪ economic opportunity ▪ practice their religion ▪ escape persecution

「colonist America」の画像検索結果

8. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

▪ (Thomas) Jefferson 

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He was a very important political leader and thinker. Some of the most important ideas about the American government are found in the Declaration of Independence, such as the idea that all people are created equal. Another important idea is that people are born with certain rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

9. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

▪ U.S. diplomat ▪ oldest member of the Constitutional Convention ▪ first Postmaster General of the United States ▪ writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”

「benjamin franklin」の画像検索結果

10. What is the name of the national anthem?

▪ The Star-Spangled Banner



Sorry for uploading late these days, I have been sick.







高校留学の真実 2 


Let's see what are the disadvantages and solutions.

1.Reality can be disappointing
I clearly remember that my agent told the exchange students that "Life in America isn't High School Musical". Frankly, that is totally true. Even if you have paid extra fee and chosen popular state such as New York, California, you wouldn't be hosted in NYC or Los Angelus. Because hosting is a volunteer opportunity. Host family has only authorized to claim a $50 per month charitable contribution deduction on their itemized tax returns.
Mostly, you would be hosted in the countryside.

Secondly, you should study and experience extra curriculum things.
We were born and rose in Japan and China. The point of view is different from the people here.
We worried about grades too much. Consider exams too seriously.

A chemistry teacher here described education in northeast Asia ,"they spend huge money and time for tests" mockingly, as if we were doing something meaningless. One of the exchange students from Germany has graduated from high school, haven't been getting into college yet even he is going to an undergraduate in his country. But he seems freely and happy in his life.

Get into top schools, high salary jobs are not only happiness in life.


At last, studying in the U.S. was something I could not decide on my own, but encouragements from family, friends and teachers made me realize that studying abroad was one of the choices in my future. Without those precious experiences in high school and so much support , I would have never applied for an exchange student program.







高校留学の真実 1



These are all the lessons I wish I had known when I was in high school in Japan.

First of all, it’s completely OK if you don’t study abroad. Attending High School in a foreign country for a year doesn't guarantee your improvement in Language skill and success in life. Lots of students who go to study abroad end up aimless, home sick and many more who don’t go abroad end up accomplishing a lot in their countries.

Half of my friends are not willing to study abroad, because they know that they can get into a top school in Japan. (The school attended in Japan was a kind of college prep school, but teachers don't force us to study hard. The majority of them goes to top schools, such as University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Keio University. )

More than anything, whether you will be able to improve your Language skill and gain a new perspective is up to you, but not your environment or factors out of your control.

That is said, I believe study abroad gives you huge advantages.
If I had to do it all over, I would have studied abroad.(But may not for 1 year program in my high school year.)

Here are the advantages of studying abroad.
1. Get out of comfort zone
Life without the support of your natural family can be very hard for some of the students. You may become a more confident person as a result. I realized that I can do much more for myself than I thought. Of course you need to be well prepared. I practiced cooking some of Japanese food before I came here. I have never got up after 7:00 since I came here. I usually get up at 4:00. As soon as I got up, I would read two English articles online, review or prepare for classes. Then get ready to go to the school, make my breakfast and lunch. The reason why get up early is because I would often be involved in school activities or host family's plan. It is very important to experience those activities. At the same time, I need to "study" English. (More on this later)

2. Get to learn a new language
It would be better if you already know the basics of the language. Because this is your opportunity to improve your fluency.
It is said that English can be classified into three parts. Spoken English, written English and English for writing research paper.
The first two abilities can gain easy if you put effort on studying at your school and make friends. Unfortunately, even some of the American people have the difficulty of the last one, English for writing paper. You need to read academic articles, such as Science, Nature and The Economist and gain that ability by yourself. Maintaining your academic performance is very important considering after you go back to your home country.

3. Broaden your world view
As soon I came here, I read some articles written by top scholars in the U.S., I was totally inspired. Pass the entrance exam and get into one of the top universities in Japan was my biggest aim. It was really stressful but I could make an effort because I believe it would be the happiest in my life. Thankfully, I freed from that feeling and realized that there would be much choices to reach your happiness.


The advantages I listed above must be a part of them. Each one of us have different dreams, visions. Please find advantages for you to study abroad.

I will post "The disadvantages and solutions" tomorrow.






Introduction 初めに





Hi. I am Rayna. I am going to stay in the U.S. for one school year (August 2017 – June 6th 2018), studying in local high school and living with host family. Before that, I was a high school student in Tokyo, Japan. I was born and grew up in Tokyo, only knew what the life in a big city like. I have begun studying English in earnest for 4 years. 

I believe there must be something beyond learning languages. Improving my English skill is important, but not my main purpose. Knowing about the characteristics of the U.S., different social system will help me to be a globally conscious person. Living in a different surrounding environment will be the preparation for living in a global community, live positively, widely.

Whether you're new, still learning English, planning to study in the U.S. or even an experienced United State resident, this blog covers discoveries in my daily life, deep consideration of culture, social issue, problems that exchange students face in the U.S. , but goes one step further to provide unique elements and uncommon resources you won't find anywhere else. I hope this blog will be helpful for a wide range of people.

This blog will be uploaded every day, but for a limited period of the year, which is from today (December 6th) to June 6th (The last day of school) the following year.
If you see an error on the site, or something that seems weird and wrong, please tell me in the comments. That’s how we learn, and learning’s exactly what this blog is about. Thanks for reading!
